Hello! Welcome!
Thank you for your interest in our institution. Ours is an old post- graduate institute. Established in the year 1921, the college is a part of Shri Brahmavart Sanatan Dharm Mahamandal. The institution is also a centre for Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University, a centre for Elt@i (Kanpur chapter) and, a centre for pre-Ph.D courses.
Besides teaching, we also try to inculcate efficiency, creativity and compassion in students to make them representatives of a meaningful and value based society. And above all, we arouse in them the sense of commitment to human values. We have a team of eminent faculty members who display self-discipline, fathomless energy and deep commitment which keeps the milieu of our college filled with ignited minds.
Our students form the pivot of a 100 year old institution. We expect them to be disciplined and, passionate about their studies and thus making not only themselves, but also the college and ultimately the society, proud of their achievements. The parents ought to remind their wards to remain focused on their education.
We are proud of our alumni and their achievements.
We urge everyone to join us in nurturing a tidy, peaceful and orderly atmosphere at the campus. We invite you to contribute actively and enrich the college with your mind and intellect. Your experiences and fruitful suggestions are always welcome.
Let us relive the magic of learning!